FAMOUS BRANDS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1969/004875/06) Share code: FBR ISIN code: ZAE000053328 (“Famous Brands”) | Revenue up 8% to R1.7 billion (2009: R1.5 billion) Operating profit up 17% to R305 million (2009: R262 million) Headline earnings per share up 29% to 206 cents (2009: 159 cents) Cash generated by operations up 25% to R346 million (2009: R277million) Total dividends per share for the year up 50% to 114 cents (2009:76 cents) |
The Group’s brand portfolio includes Steers (524], Wimpy including UK (642), Debonairs Pizza (315), FishAways (112), Mugg & Bean (108), tashas (6), House of Coffees (19), Brazilian/Brazilian Café (48), Blacksteer (12), Giramundo (6), Keg (27) and McGinty’s (5), Vovo Telo (3) and O’Hagan’s (26).The Group also manufactures and supplies its franchisees and the retail trade with a wide range of meat, sauce, bakery, ice cream, fruit juice and mineral water products. |
Kevin Hedderwick Chief Executive Officer Famous Brands Ltd Telephone: 011 651 5812 | Del-Maree English Investor Communications Mobile: 083 395 8608 |