FAMOUS BRANDS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1969/004875/06) Share code: FBR ISIN code: ZAE000053328 (“Famous Brands”) | REVENUE Up 17% to R2.5 billion HEADLINE EARNINGS PER SHARE Up 22% to 339 cents CASH GENERATED BY OPERATIONS Up 21% to R482 million DIVIDENDS PER SHARE Up 25% to 250 cents |
- The creation of ‘Famous Brands Coffee Company’ which supplies coffee and related hot beverage products to the Group’s franchised network and the retail market;
- The establishment of a ground-breaking joint venture partnership with the Coega Dairy Company to form Coega Cheese (Pty) Ltd, which will produce Mozzarella, cheese slices and cheese spread for the Group; and
- The acquisition, after year-end, of a 51% controlling stake in bakery and delicatessen brand, The Bread Basket, which will build manufacturing capability in specialist baked products and confectionery, much of which is currently outsourced to external third-party suppliers.
The Group’s brand portfolio at end of February 2013 comprised 2 163 restaurants, namely: Steers (546), Wimpy including UK (629), Debonairs Pizza (404), FishAways (141), Mugg & Bean (141), tashas (10), House of Coffees (15), Brazilian Café (55), Blacksteer & House of Shisanyama (6), Giramundo (14), KEG (21), McGinty’s (1), Vovo Telo (12), O’Hagan’s (11), Milky Lane (75), Juicy Lucy (9), The Brewers Guild (8), Creative Coffees (8), Net Café (1), Europa (26) and Fego Caffé (30). The Group also manufactures and supplies its franchisees and the retail trade with a wide range of meat, sauces, spices, cheese, bakery, ice cream, fruit juice, mineral water, coffee and other hot beverage products. |
Kevin Hedderwick Chief Executive Officer Famous Brands Ltd Telephone: 011 651 5812 | Del-Maree English Investor Communications Mobile: 083 395 8608 |