In compliance with sections 3.63 to 3.74 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, Famous Brands shareholders are advised of the following dealings by a director of Famous Brands:

Director: N Halamandaris
Company: Famous Brands
Date of transaction: 28 October 2021
Nature of transaction: On market sale of shares
Class of securities: Famous Brands ordinary shares
Number of securities: 10 000
Highest price paid per security: R 73.9878
Lowest price paid per security: R 71.8346
VWAP per security: R 72.9112
Value of transactions: R 729 112.00
Nature of interes: Direct beneficial

Clearance for the above was received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements.

4 November 2021

Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited