

Famous Brands shareholders (“Shareholders”) are advised that the Company has entered into an agreement in respect of which it will acquire the entire share capital of (“Steers Shares”) and claims against (“Steers Claims”) Steers Properties Proprietary Limited (“Steers Properties”) and the entire share capital of (“Halamandaris Props Shares”) and claims against (“Halamandaris Props Claims”) Halamandaris Props Proprietary Limited (“Halamandaris Property”) (collectively the “Acquired Companies”) from Messrs Panagiotis Halamandaris, Periklis Halamandaris, Theofanis Halamandaris and John Lee Halamandres (collectively the “Sellers”) (the “Transaction”).

Messrs Panagiotis Halamandaris, Periklis Halamandaris, Theofanis Halamandaris and John Lee Halamandres are also the beneficial owners of the Acquired Companies.

Mr John Lee Halamandres is a non-executive director and shareholder of Famous Brands, and Messrs Panagiotis Halamandaris, Periklis Halamandaris and Theofanis Halamandaris are shareholders of Famous Brands and associates to Mr Nicolaos Halamandaris, a non-executive director of Famous Brands. The Transaction is therefore deemed a small related party transaction in terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited (“JSE”).


The only assets of Steers Properties are Erf 664 Halfway House Extension 57 Township, Registration Division IR, Province of Gauteng, measuring 1,4786 hectares, held by Certificate of Consolidated Title No. 64548/2001 and Portion 561 of the Farm Waterval No. 5 Registration Division IR, Province of Gauteng, measuring 1,4177 hectares, held by Certificate of Consolidated Title No. 65548/2001, situated at 478 James Crescent, Midrand, 1685 (collectively the “478 James Crescent Property”). On the date of the implementation of the Transaction Steers Properties will have no liabilities.

The only asset of Halamandaris Property is Portion 276 (a Portion of Portion 2 of the Farm Waterval No 5, Registration Division IR, Province of Gauteng), measuring 1,0508 hectares, held by Deed of Transfer No. T 24981/2021 situated at 37 Richards Drive, Midrand, 1685 (“37 Richards Drive Property”). On the date of the implementation of the Transaction Halamandaris Property will have no liabilities.

The Company’s primary operations and head office have resided at the 478 James Crescent Property since 1990 and has been continuously leased from Steers Properties.

As a result of spatial capacity constraints, a plan has been developed which requires expansion and reconfiguration of the 478 James Crescent Property to better align with the Company’s supply chain plans and activities.

Famous Brands is best placed to redevelop the 478 James Crescent Property and the 37 Richards Drive Property (collectively the “Properties”) together with a neighbouring property it owns in order to create a better functioning, fit for purpose campus at which its Gauteng Logistics operations can be consolidated, and efficiencies gained.

Midrand remains the most suitable centre of gravity for the Gauteng Logistics operation.


3.1. Information on the Properties

The 478 James Crescent Property houses the Group’s Head office, Central support services, Signature Brands, AME, Retail and Supply chain administration teams. The Gauteng ambient warehouse, Sauce and Spice plants, former Gauteng bakery plant and Supply Chain Engineering team also operate from the 478 James Crescent Property.

The 37 Richards Drive Property neighbours the 478 James Crescent Property and will be utilised for expansion together with the property situated at 39 Richards Drive which was acquired by the Company in the previous financial year.

3.2. Purchase Price and settlement

The purchase price for the Steers Shares, Steers Claims, Halamandaris Props Shares and Halamandaris Props Claims is an amount of R181 million (the “Purchase Price”) which is apportioned as follows:

1. A purchase price of R166 million is payable by the Company in relation to the Steers Shares and the Steers Claims.

2. A purchase price of R15 million is payable by the Company in relation to the Halamandaris Props Shares and Halamandaris Props Claims.

The Purchase Price will be settled from the Company’s existing cash resources.

3.4. Independent fairness opinion

In terms of paragraph 10.7 of the Listings Requirements, the Transaction is categorised as a small related party transaction.

Accordingly, the board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) is required to provide the JSE with written confirmation from an independent professional expert confirming that the terms of the Transaction are fair insofar as the Shareholders are concerned (the “Fairness Opinion”). A positive Fairness Opinion is one of the conditions to the Transaction.

In compliance with paragraph 10.7 (b) of the Listings Requirements, the Board appointed BDO Corporate Finance (Pty) Ltd (“BDO”) as independent expert to provide it with the Fairness Opinion.

The Fairness Opinion has been submitted to the JSE for review, whereafter it will lie open for inspection at Famous Brands’ registered office, 478 James Crescent, Halfway House, Midrand, 1685, for a period of 28 days from the date of issue. Shareholders will be kept informed in this regard.

3.5. Suspensive conditions

In addition to receipt of a positive Fairness Opinion, the Transaction is subject to certain suspensive conditions, including (but not limited to):

  • approvals from the relevant regulatory authorities, including, Competition Commission; and
  • due diligence being completed to reasonable satisfaction of the Purchaser.

The definitive transaction agreement, to give effect to the Transaction, contains warranties and indemnities customary for transactions of their nature.


As set out in the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 (prepared in terms of IFRS), 478 James Crescent Property was valued at R 170 million.

As set out in the annual financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2022 (prepared in terms of IFRS) the 37 Richards Drive Property has been valued at R12.6 million. The annual financial statements were compiled by the external auditors and are unreviewed and unaudited.

Since the 1st of October 2019, the Company has had a lease agreement with Steers Properties, in relation to the 478 James Crescent Property, with the current monthly rental payable of R1,801,330.47 (excluding VAT). The lease agreement will terminate in 2024.


The effective date of the Transaction will be dependent on the fulfilment of the suspensive conditions to the Transaction.

11 October 2022

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The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

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BDO Corporate Finance (Pty) Ltd

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