Santie Botha


Santie Botha

Attendance and composition

Relevant skills profile of members
  • SL Botha (3/3)
  • NJ Adami (3/3)
  • AK Maditse (3/3)
  • CEO
  • Company Secretary

Committee members are highly skilled in governance, law and business strategy.

Focus areas for 2024

The Committee reviewed and approved the annual workplan and Committee Charter. Our focus areas for 2024 include the below:

  • Appointed Andrew Mundell as the Group Executive for Supply Chain.
  • Succession planning for the Group, focusing on key digital and data skills.
  • Succession planning for longstanding Board members and our Exco.
  • Reviewed the Board composition and was comfortable with the balance between independent non-executive directors, non-executive directors and executive directors.
  • Nominated the appointment of William Mzimba as an independent non-executive director and member of the Social and Ethics Committee.
  • Considered the appropriate composition and rotation of Board members and the composition of various Board Committees.
  • Considered leadership structures by evaluating a schedule of subsidiary boards and directors.
  • Evaluated the Board’s performance and effectiveness (read more).

Priorities for 2025

Our focus areas for 2025 include succession planning for the Group at Board and executive management level.

The Committee is satisfied that it has fulfilled its responsibilities in accordance with its terms of reference for the financial year. I will be present at the AGM to answer any questions regarding the Committee’s activities.

Santie Botha
Chairman: Nomination Committee

21 June 2024